Every year the Helensburgh & Gareloch Horticultural Society organises and sponsors a local schools' bulb competition, as part of one of our objectives to educate and encourage young people in the benefits to be obtained from horticulture.
In the competition all thirteen primary schools in Helensburgh and Lomond Area compete for the Ardardan Trophy which is awarded in February to the school that is given most points by the Team of Judges.
Photos from previous entries:
Around 580 children from primary 4 & 5 are given either a single hyacinth bulb (P4) or three Tete- a -Tete narcissi ( P5), complete with a pot, growing compost and growing instructions. Some schools choose to do this as an in- school project, others give the "kits" to the children to plant and grow at home. With ever increasing time constraints and pressures both in school and at home the results over the years have been variable.
This year we aim to provide easily accessible advice and growing instructions for schools, children and their families via our website and Facebook page.
To download instruction on how to plant the bulbs - click here
A video on how to plant the bulbs can be found on the Horti Society's Facebook page - to view click here
Or if you have specific questions, please just contact ue