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2022 Tattie Challenge - are you ready?

Claire Davidson

2021 tattie challenge winner!

We're excited to announce that entry forms are now available for the 2022 Tattie Challenge. This is the fourth year of the challenge, and it is a very popular and fun event. The event this year is again being kindly sponsored by Craigend Nursery in Cardross, who have generously provided the seed potatoes.

As the tatties are grown in a bag you don't need to have a big garden or a veg plot. Literally just some outdoor space to put the potato bag and to watch them grow! Potato planter bags will be available for an additional £2 - if providing your own they need to be a standard size (18''x12''x12") to ensure the competition is fair.

The competition is open to both Society members and non-members, with an entry fee of £1. The registration forms need to be received by Friday 11th March, with the seed potatoes available to be picked up on Saturday 12th March. All entrants will be given a time slot on Saturday 12th March, to help maintain social distancing. Download the registration form (below).

This is a fun event, with great excitement on weigh-in day, which usually is on a weekend in August at Ardardan Estate. And after your weigh-in, you then have tatties to take home and enjoy! Growing potatoes is great fun for all the family, and we love to see entries from children, as well as adults, and hope you will give it a go!

Tattie challenge 2021

For further details and to register, please download the registration form. This is available below as a PDF, or a word document if you wish to return the form by email. Remember this needs to be returned by Friday 11th March.

If you have any questions, please just send in via the contact form.


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