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The Horti’s Gardening Calendar - December


As we get closer to the end of the year, here are some tips of things to do in your garden on the West coast of Scotland this December - and maybe some ideas for Christmas presents.


Tips for December

1. Catalogues and Christmas Gifts

Following on from November, Suttons Seed Catalogue has been recommended. It has a Fun to Grow - Children's Range and some interesting looking Seed Tins – thinking of Christmas gifts..

2. Feeding the birds

Keep on feeding the birds, especially with fatty foods. Clean out water baths on a regular basis to prevent algae growing and supply the birds with fresh water

The following are ideas from a previous Horti Society Gardening Session hosted by member Graham Greenwell

3. Plant Hippeastrum, Nagano was demonstrated

Plant half in, half out of the compost. Don’t forget to feed the bulb. A very showy houseplant for Winter.

4. Plant Oxalis triangularis [false shamrock]

It’s a fantastic houseplant.

5. Narcissus Paperwhite grow really well on a bed of pebbles and water

Add Christmas stems for a show. They take six to eight weeks to flower indoors and smell gorgeous.

6. Plant a large mixed tub of bulbs

Plant a large mixed tub of bulbs for flowering over a long spring period, to include:

  • Narcissus Rip van Winkle

  • Tulip Red Riding Hood Double

  • Crocus Yellow Mammoth

  • Iris reticulata Alida

7. Narcissus Tete a Tete

Narcissus Tete a Tete in a small pot outside at the front or back door make a welcome in the Spring.

8. Foliage tub

A large foliage tub with a few Spring bulbs looks colourful outside in the worst weather.

To include:

  • Ajuga reptans

  • Uncinia rubra

  • Hedera helix Golden Ingot

  • Narcissus Tete a Tete

  • Tulip First Love

9. Violas hanging basket

A 14” Easy Fill Hanging Basket with 12 holes was filled with Violas. Including the top, the basket was filled with about 25 viola plantlets. In the Spring this will form a ball of colour.

10. Dividing Irises

Iris unguicularis (Algerian Iris) brought from Grahams garden was divided and planted into pots. These can be sold on at the May plant sale or planted in the garden in Spring. The leaves are very dark green, the deep violet flowers are fragrant and flower in late Winter and early Spring


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